Abha Father
/ Amitabha |
Skt. word abha meaning Light. Light Father. abyati = enlighten or illumine |
Adam & Eve
à also see Atman and Jiva |
Mythical first humans in Judaism. In the ancient East, predating Adam & Eve we have the concepts of atma and jiva. |
Almighty One | è see Omnipresent One |
Amitabha | è see Father in Heaven |
Angkor Wat | A temple in the famous Angor Temple City (which has more than 50 amazing temples) of the 11th century Angkor Kingdom of Cambodia. This 11th century stone structure dwarfs anything built in the same era in Europe. |
Atman & Jiva
à also see |
Atman is spirit and has a Yang/male quality. Jiva is soul, and has a Yin/female quality. The human being has both qualities, Adam and Eve, spirit and soul. Atman/Jiva was an ancient teaching when the Hebrew Scriptures first wrote about Adam and Eve. One of the many arguments in favor of why some say that Abraham came from the East. |
Avalokitesvara | Skt. title of the Savior of the World, an important son of Sukhavati. The title means something like, The Lord who perceives the sounds (of prayer, suffering, wailing) of all sentient beings on Earth’. |
Bhagavad Gita | Skt. Translates to Song of the Bhagavati, most often simply called the Gita (song), as the West has Song of Songs, also a Wisdom Scripture. The Gita uses a story of one Arjuna who is called to go to war against familiar beings (one’s own culture). He is unwilling to slay and wage war against the familiar and solicits the deity, Krishna, to be his charioteer. The Gita is the dialogue between Arjuna and Lord Krishna on the chariot. It is a highly allegorical work of great spiritual teaching. |
Bhakti/Yoga | Bhakti means to ‘receive one’s share of devotion / worship to a deity’. The Bhakti movement of the 1st century championed the rights of individuals to worship by themselves, without the mandatory proxy, a priest. Bhakti Yoga is the yoking of oneself to the Lord (yoga) through devotion/worship. Several schools of philosophy did not acknowledge this as a valid path to enlightenment. |
Born again | Unique to Iesous. Teaching about the purpose of life. It speaks to goal and result of enlightenment, to be reborn as a spiritual being in Sukhavati. |
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva | Hindu ‘god’ of creation. Brahma is in fact one of three creative energies that emanate from the Omnipresent Omnipotent One. Brahma is the creator energy, Vishnu the restorer or preserver energy, and Shiva the destroyer or cycle enhancer energy. Religions have built wonderful stories and cults around each. |
Buddhism | All humans have spiritual potential, a Buddha nature. Enlightened ones in the nether world, heaven, are called Buddhas. Founder of Buddhism, 500BCE, is venerated as a highly developed spiritual being, he is Siddharta Gautama Buddha. However, Buddhism is not a simple religion. It has thousands of Scriptures and doctrines. |
/ Judaism |
Christ is the Romanization of the Hebrew entity called, Messiah. It is a military/political eschatological figure believed to be the one who would annihilate the enemies of the Jews and install them as world rulers. |
/ Judaism |
The Christians were an early Judaic reformation movement. In the 4th century, it was alienated from Jewish hands and transformed to become a Roman franchise religion, the wealthiest business in the world. |
Creator | è see Omnipresent One |
Dalai Lama | The Dalai Lama is believed to be directly inspired by Lord Avalokiteshvara. He reincarnates into one of the five wealthy families who traditionally owned all of Tibet. Now that the Chinese started to distribute Tibetan assets to Tibetans and the Dalai Lama is in exile, the question of the day is, ‘where will he reincarnate next?’ The Chinese passed a law against reincarnation into their country to motivate the Dalai Lama to not enter their country illegally through reincarnation. |
Daoism | Dao is Chinese for Way. 500BCE Wayist philosophy captured in the now adulterated DaoDeJing. |
Demiurge | An anti-God, oppose of God, or a lesser God that creates material trapping for souls. Usually, a demiurge opposes the spiritual God. Most notable in Gnosticism and Zoroastrianism, and to lesser extent in Judaism and Christianity. |
Dharma | Dharma is the duty that comes with wisdom. It is therefore wisdom in action (or inaction as wisdom may lead one to not act where less wise will act). Dharma with small ‘d’ is often used to indicate wisdom teaching, most popular in Buddhist culture. |
Father in Heaven
/ Amitabha |
Amita is Skt. for illimitable or splendorous and Abha is Skt. for Light. Light is metaphor in spiritual world for wisdom which equates to compassion. The contraction Amitabha is the title of the King of Sukhavati, our Heaven. King Amitabha is the almighty because His Light is unsurpassed in creation, unsurpassed in the universe. |
Gandhara | Ancient civilization, home to the ancient cities of Taxila and Srinagar. Spiritual hub of the world in its time. |
Gnani or Jnana
/Yoga |
The path of Yoga of Wisdom. Studying the Upanishads and Vedas, contemplating life through that lens. |
Quanjin |
Chinese translation of the Skt. title Avalokitesvara |
Hinduism | The result of coming together of several Vedic streams and other religions of the many nations located south, southeast of River Indus (from there the name Hindu). A long process that became most noticeable toward the end of the 1st century. |
Holy Spirit | è see Trinity |
Ineffable One | è see Omnipresent One |
Islam | Started by Mohamed (570-632CE) in Arabia, which was at the time a devastated place due to generations of Arabs working primarily as mercenaries for whichever foreign king paid the best. This resulted in brothers and fathers facing one another in battle, and the general dismantling of the fabric of society as the people became hardened soldiers, and men often did not return, or returned with booty, slaves, etc. The Quran is regarded by most Muslims as the verbatim word of God. The Quran lays down rules and codes of conduct to civilize the warmongering soldiers of the desert. A monotheistic Abrahamic religion.
Islam spread rapidly as Mohammed gathered the nation of soldiers, to quest as a unified force in the name of their God, to conquer and convert their neighbors. Today, the daily news continues the story of the religion of the desert-dwelling people. |
Judaism | Scriptures written approximately 400BCE. Jews are ethnoreligious; if you are born to a Jewish family, you are considered a Jew. Monotheistic, however, believes in a lesser god that opposes God, leads people astray and away from Grace. Zoroastrianism and some Indian tales influenced Judaism more than contemporary Mesopotamian religions of SW Asia. Judaism grew up during the time when westerners started writing. Influenced Islam. Christianity, a Judaic reformation movement influenced western thinking and justice. |
Judea vs Israel | Israel is an ideal of a unified religious state that sometimes was, but never lasted very long. Zionism champions this cause. Israel and Judah were separate most of the time but united for periods. They had a common enemy, the Philistines (Palestine) but over the course of history these two small nations were exiled from their lands, several times, most notably by the Babylonians and Romans. |
Karma | Karma is a Law of metaphysical nature concerned with the curriculum of soul beings studying for perfection of wisdom, and subsequent graduation from samsara to be reborn in Sukhavati as spiritual beings.
Some explain Karma in simplistic form as ‘the law of cause and effect’. Karma is triggered by a soul student’ thoughts, actions, and inaction. Based on the soul being’s dharma (inherent wisdom duty), all thoughts, actions and inactions are evaluated. If it is found that the soul needs more lessons of, let’s say, Compassion 101—Karma will present the student with situations where soul can learn more compassion. This is an example of developmentally appropriate learning material. When Karma senses that a soul is proficient at a particular skill, at a particular level, it will present learning opportunities for higher learning. Some say Karma is reward and punishment but Wayists frown on that. We do not regard the curriculum, the projects, learning opportunities, exams, and tests at College as punishment or reward—the curriculum just is. It is there, and we will learn—no matter how long we decide to stay in school. |
/ Avalokitesvara |
The usage Lokesvara first started among language groups who place an “A” in front of a person’s name to signify familiarity or friendship. It is understood that those cultures do not have common names starting with ‘A’. Then, along comes a deity whom they want to embrace but the Sanskrit name of the deity starts with an A, as in Avalokiteshvara. Rightfully so, people refuse to say that name because it would be irreverent in their culture. The title therefore becomes Lokesvara, carrying the same meaning as Avalokitesvara. The Khmer language group is one example of this usage. |
Lotus Sutra | The Lotus Sutra is a compilation of several documents. It came to the attention of the masses in the 60s and 70s of the 1st century AD by the name, Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma. The Lord’s focus on the teaching of the lotus plant is captured in the title. The book’s title theme culminates in the 25th chapter when Bodhisttva Avalokitesvara is introduced as the most powerful and most significant of spiritual beings involved in the universal salvation of soul beings on Earth. The Sutra is immensely influential and forms the foundation of many Wayist, Hindu, Chinese and Japanese Buddhist schools of thought. Lotus Sutra introduces several ‘new’ teachings:
· of God the Father, · of the filial relationship and nature of spiritual beings, · of skillful means, upaya, thereby doing away with dogmatism and fundamentalism, · that all beings notwithstanding creed, race, caste or gender can become spiritual beings (via this present life) through devotion to the Way and our Father in Sukhavati, · that Lord Avalokitesvara, the glorified spiritual form of Iesous, and all other spiritual beings root for us and work toward our success in the quest of life on Earth. |
Magadha | In the 1st century, Magadha was an area of change. Previously, it was the heart of a great empire, and later that would happen again until the 7th century. In the 1st century, however, the area famed for being the birthplace and place of enlightenment of the Buddha was not home to any great king. Patna (Paliputra) was the port-city capital but of the area. The people of this area had their own distinct language and accent when speaking foreign languages. Mari hailed from this historically important and distinct area. Her attitude and accent marked her as a Magadhin. |
Mahasthamaprapta, | è see Moonlight |
/ Buddhism |
Mahayana is a reformation movement that broke with Theravada and the older school. Mahayana is marked by its devotion to the “Bodhisattva Path”—the path that advocates one should follow in the footsteps of the spiritual beings who vowed to not take up their Buddhahood but remain in the Earth realm (after rebirth or enlightenment) to help all other souls achieve the purpose of life.
Within Mahayana, there are many schools of thought, and many divergent philosophies. Mahayana is the movement that first recognized Lord Avalokitesvara’s incoming. As the Three Wise Men from the East were the first humans to embrace the incoming of Iesous as incarnation, Mahayana ware the first to recognize the Lord’s 2nd coming, this time as Avalokiteshvara, the Savior of the World. |
Mandala | Mandalas are geometric shapes that may be employed by devotees for focusing attention. It is a spiritual guidance tool, for establishing a sacred space, and as an aid to meditation and trance induction. Some mandalas are made to serve also as edification tools, perhaps spelling out the levels of reality, or the process of enlightenment, and so on. |
Mantra | Words used as symbols that point to deeper spiritual concepts. The Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum has only two relevant words, Mani (jewel) and Padme (lotus)—but the mantra speaks to an entire concept, a lifestyle, a religion, and a philosophy that can cover the pages of several books. Devotees use these devices to recall teaching, to condition their minds according to the teaching, and for self-edification. Some traditions (outside of Wayism) believe the mantras contain magic, appease the gods, and draw boons and divine blessings. Some believe that thousands or millions of repetitions, even by mechanical means, brings one closer to enlightenment—a teaching which Wayism does not acknowledge, course. |
Maya | One of the four main Laws of Metaphysics pertaining to soul development. Soul beings cannot experience or cognate full-dimensional Reality, only their three dimensional reality. This is Maya at work. With your limited spiritual development, you receive only that which you can deal with. “Veils of illusion” cover one’s rational and perceptive abilities. Part of the process of enlightenment is to “pierce the veils of illusion” and become aware of other aspects of Reality—aware of other dimensions. This awareness is often associated with dreams, alternate consciousness, and so-called “opening of the third eye.” |
Melchizedek | As a senior spiritual being, during the pre-Hittite era, Iesous established in Egypt the spiritual order of Isis and in Western Asia and the Westthe spiritual priesthood of Melchizedek. High priests in the latter order held the title Melchizedek. The word means, My Lord is the King of Salem. Salem, meaning peace and bliss, refers to Heaven or Sukhavati. From this root word came many place names such as Jerusalem and Kashmir, for example. St. Paul refers to Iesous as “a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.” This is to illustrate that Iesous’ authority precedes the Aaronic and priesthood and Abramic spiritual authority, which proceeded from that of the order of Melchizedek. Old Testament and Hebrew Scriptures state how Abram made tithes to the priest Melchizedek, which places Abram (and therefore Judaism, Christianity and Islam) subject to the ancient priesthood that Iesous founded. A |
/ Judaism |
Military / political ruler expected to defeat the enemies of the Jewish people and install them as world leaders. Bar Kochba (died 137CE) was heralded by some as the most recent Messiah, but it did not end well for Judea and the Jewish people. Today, the Messiah is still awaited. However, Islam awaits the 2nd coming of Jesus because he is believed to be the one to annihilate the Jewish people as he commands the Muslim army, after that all other non-Moslems (Christians included)—before he sets out to kill all pigs in the world to prepare for the coming of the prophet Muhammed and the era of peace. |
Metanoia | Greek word frequently used by Iesous, meaning ‘to change one’s mind’. Literally, to make over your mind. Mental paradigm shift. In psychology, refers to the healing and renewal that follows a mental breakdown. In Christian dogma, the English language word repentance is used, but soon took on different connotations. For Iesous, metanoia was the absolute key to spiritual growth and healing from culturally conditioned thinking. |
Mithraism | Religion that holds Mithra as primary deity. A Gnostic religion popular in Iraq and Iran in the 1st century. Also in Rome. |
2nd person of the Holy Trinity, angel |
Sophia Gk. for “wisdom”, a central idea in Hellenistic religions, Platonism, Gnosticism, Orthodox Christianity, Esoteric Christianity, as well as Christian mysticism.
Sophia is honored as a goddess of wisdom by Gnostics, as well as by some Neopagan, New Age, and feminist-inspired Goddess spirituality groups. In Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity, Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom), indicated the second person of the Holy Trinity. In Sukhavati, this being is known by her (wisdom is Yin/female in nature) Skt. title Mahasthamaprapta. Iesous and the Father call her by a ‘pet name’, “Moonlight”—which is a play on the nature of wisdom (Yin) compared to the active spiritual directive, (Yang) sunlight-type work of Avalokiteshvara. |
Om Mani Padme Hum | Mantra of Avalokiteshvara. Speaks to the wisdom that van be gained from contemplating (and living as) the lotus plant. Mantras are not designed to be translated, but a translation can be, “Behold the Wisdom in the Lotus”. |
Omnipotent One | è see Omnipresent One |
Omnipresent One | The unknowable Entity behind creation. Something creates, as we speak, and upholds creation, as we speak. There are laws of physical nature and laws of metaphysical nature that govern things, but these are not the One we speak of—but are in service of creation. The One we speak of cannot be named or described in human terms—we simply do not have the cognitive tools or language to do so. The title Creator, for example is grossly insufficient because we know that destruction (Autumn, maturity and expiration) follow (Spring, creation, growth). We know that maintenance, or preservation must play a role. We are aware of the presence of the Divine Energy is sub-atomic matter, and in the larger universe. We know the teaching, “God is closer to you than your hand” is truer than we can really know because That energy holds together and animates the atoms in our blood, for example.
We call It by many names, God sometimes but preferably not because many spiritual creatures are gods to us. We prefer to say the One, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Unknowable, Immutable, Illimitable—but no word or string of concept can ever explain the One. Humans and many other animals are blessed—we can sense the presence of the One is things. |
Reality vs Reality | è see truth vs Truth |
Rebirth | è see Born again |
Reincarnation | Incarnation means ‘to be in meat’; the soul inhabits the organic body of the human animal, using it as a vehicle and sensory device to experience animal life on Earth. Re-incarnation speaks to samsara, the wheel of change, the perpetual cycle of birth and death experienced by souls. The cycle is broken only by enlightenment; rebirth as a spiritual being. |
à also see Brahma |
Hindu cult worship of Shiva as primary deity. |
Samsara | The cycle of birth and death, reincarnation to which all soul beings are subject. For as long as it takes to graduate from the School of Life, souls will reincarnate to live different types of lives on Earth. |
Sanskrit | Termed, “language of the gods,” because it was given to humans by spiritual beings to aid communication of metaphysical concepts. During the period 1st century BCE-CE most Scriptures were translated into Sanskrit and new writings were written directly into Sanskrit. |
Siva | è see Brahma |
Sophia | è see Moonlight |
Soul beings | Souls incarnated in human bodies are human beings, or ‘people’, as we say. The soul gathers wisdom from each life, not knowledge (my past address, memory of who owes me a cow, etc.) but wisdom. Wisdom travels with the soul, as it is stored in, and processed by the soul-minds (chakras). Knowledge is fickle, highly changeable, and is stored in the animal brain—that dies. Disembodies souls do not usually appear on Earth but is they do, we call them ghosts. Some would in error call them spirits. An evil ghost (in error called an evil spirit) is one that defies the ‘gravity pull’ that beckons it to its sleep and rest state because of its desire to remain in the material world. This does not last long because that ‘gravity’ always prevails. |
Soul-heaven | The rest state where disembodied souls exist between incarnations. It is a state, not a place. As water changes states (ice, water, steam, plasma) so too is this just another state of being. |
Spirit beings | Spirit beings do not have organic bodies but spiritual energy bodies. These beings live a multidimensional reality that we cannot comprehend. Of the spirit beings whom we are aware of in the universes, those from Sukhavati, they are very wise, most benevolent helper beings. Tradition has it that in Earthly terms, they exist forever, growing wiser as time goes by until they fuse with the pure energy of the Way, or the One, as in the concept of theosis. |
Spirit-heaven |
Skt. title of Spirit-Heaven, meaning Land of Eternal Bliss.
To where beings from Soul School Earth are reborn as spiritual beings. Domain of the King of Heaven, Lord Amitabha, our Abha Father in Heaven. |
Tantra | Not easily described. The word means weaving frame. In summary, a study and practice of awareness of the flow of Divine Energy in us, and of wisdom-forming soul energy that runs through the soul-minds (chakras). The study of Sacred Sensuality is intrinsically linked. All devotees of The Way do tantra to a degree but Wayist Tantric school concentrate on it. In the West, of course, Sacred Sensuality would develop a darker and silly side as sexual congress is the focus of energy flow. As with Yoga, in the West, only the smallest most insignificant aspect (with hype-ability) is embraced and expounded as the entire study of Tantra—leaving one with a bad taste in the mouth. |
/ Buddhism |
Today, Theravada is the Buddhist school closest to original Buddhism of 400BCE. It is marked by its androcentricism, and monks going about town with their begging bowls. |
Third tier
in Heaven |
Iesous advocated for, and instituted a lower entry requirement for souls entering Sukhavati. The School of Life now extends to Heaven, where the ‘final year’ is attended in Sukhavati. This brought about a third tier of heavenly beings. Now there are three tiers of three levels each, therefore nine tiers, or ranking, or levels of maturity and wisdom. |
Trinity | Three senior spiritual beings from Sukhavati take a direct and constant interest in our spiritual welfare: God the Father (Amitabha), the son Iesous (Avalokiteshvara) and the Spirit of Wisdom, Mahāsthāmaprāpta.
There are many titles for the three persons of the Holy Trinity, among them Manshuri, Avalokiteshvara and Varjapani. These are names of attributes that are especially venerated by a particular group of devotees. For example, Avalokitesvara’s appeal to women with babies, or women who want babies, was personified, and venerated separately—later White Tara was added to it this awareness. |
Truth vs Truth | Conventional truth is the truth of consensus reality; common-sense notions of what does and does not exist.
Ultimate Truth is reality as viewed by an awakened or enlightened mind. |
Universal Gateway
/ Avalokitesvara |
First additional titles ascribed to Lord the Avalokiteshvara. Universal Gateway of Enlightenment and Universal Gateway of Compassion. As Iesous said, ‘no one comes to the Father except through me-(the universal gateway of enlightenment). |
Unnamable One | è see Omnipresent One |
Unspeakable One | è see Omnipresent One |
Upanishads | There are about 200 Upanishads. The oldest are of the world’s oldest Scriptures dating back to 800BCE and the most recent dating to Medieval times. Upanishads are discourses, questions, and answers between illumined sages and students. The philosophy of the Upanishads is exceptionally deep and much of it is still relevant if one can filter out the ancient context in which it were spoken. |
Upaya | Skt. usually translated as Spiritual Skill. In most of our references in this book, upaya refers to the master’s skill to make seemingly complicated concepts clear to students who do not have enlightened minds.
In later usage, it is said that in a lineage of master-student transmission, students inherit a teacher’s upaya, her skillful means of transferring wisdom. Upaya is most important though to do away with dogmatism and fundamentalism because it speaks to the fact that spiritual truths cannot be communicated to all people by means of only one vehicle. Humans need many vehicles and ways of expression to eventually arrive at the One Truth. There is only the one purpose of life, but different levels of teaching lead to the same final conclusion just as students advance through junior, middle and senior school curricula to one day gain release from “school”. |
Vaishnavism | Hindu cult that worships Vishnu as primary deity. |
Vishnu | è see Brahma
Vishnu is a symbol of the restorative and homeostatic energy that humans sense flowing from the Supreme One. Together with Brahma the creative aspect and Shiva the destructive aspect, Vihnu is one of the Supreme Triad of Energies understood by Hindu religious philosophy to symbolize the One. |
World Savior / Avalokitesvara | The Savior of the World (of all the souls in the world) is the best known of the many titles attributed to Lord the Avalokitesvara. World Savior is frequently used, often shortened to The Savior. |
Yin & Yang | Ancient Chinese symbol of the Divine Energy that flows from the Omnipotent One. In India, the equivalent is the OM sign. Yin is the dark side of the symbol, which symbolize wisdom, moonlight, female-type energy—the Divine force that works behind the scenes, without direct interference but influence. Yang is the bright, direct interference, intervention, male-type energy. All beings and all energy in the universe consist of a mixture of Yin&Yang. There is no pure Yin, or pure Yang, as per the symbol, a little bit of each is always found in the other. |
Yoga | Skt. word meaning to yoke, as in oxen. In spirituality signifies a spiritual or religious regimen that yokes one to the deity. Western postures exercises is the smallest part of the wide and thorough discipline of Spiritual Yoga. It is called asana (posture) yoga, which has nothing to do with the rest of Yoga disciple: the pursuit of wisdom, Gnani Yoga, and devotion and mysticism, Bhakti Yoga, and the pursuit of loving-kindness, Karma Yoga. |
Zoroastrianism | The religion of the ancient Persian Empire. One of the world’s oldest semi-monotheistic religions. Founded by the Prophet Zoroaster in ancient Iran approximately 3500 years ago. Believed in the Good God opposed by a lesser god of the material world. The belief in angels, spiritual beings, and several other elements influenced the Abrahamic religions. |
Annotations to the book Universal Gateway of Enlightenment: The second coming of Jesus as Lord of the World in c. 78AD, by author Jean du Plessis